Toronto AES
Toronto AES - Surround Sound Interactive Seminar

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Toronto AES - Surround Sound Interactive Seminar

There is a significant development of ideas occurring in industries in Ontario involved in the surround sound format. This seminar will give you a chance to interact with our presenters so that discussion, challenges and further development of these ideas can take place.
The focus will not just be on the technical requirements of surround sound - many of which are fairly well-defined at this point - but also on aesthetic and production decisions that are being made.
As key players in the various areas of the surround sound industry talk together about issues, a better understanding of the production process will emerge. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn and share!
The day will begin with John Eargle, our keynote speaker, followed by a panel presentation, and then break out into workshops and demonstrations.
We will wrap up with another panel discussion focusing on the NARAS Recommendations for Surround Sound Production.
This page lists the presenters and their presentations.
Meeting Details
Surround Sound Interactive Seminar: Recording, Processing, Delivering, Listening
Sat 23 April 2005
9:00 - 18:00
CBC Broadcasting Centre
John Street Entrance between Front & Wellington
Union or St. Andrew Subway
AES Members: $35.00, Non-members: $45.00, Students: $20.00
Limited Seating!!! Advance paid registration is required.
Contact the AES c/o National Mailbox: 416 922-8122. Visa or Mastercard accepted.
Complete Bulletin
Download Bulletin [pdf]
The Toronto AES greatfully acknowledges the support of the following companies. Without them this event would not have been possible.
CBC, Toronto, ON
Contact Distribution, Scarborough, ON
DM Services, New Dundee, ON
Gennum Corporation, Burlington, ON
MDI Productions, Toronto, ON
Norris-Whitney Communications, St. Catherines, ON
Oiart, London, ON
PA Plus Productions Inc, Toronto, ON
PSB Speakers, Pickering, ON
Sherwood Systems, Kitchener, ON
Straight Street Services, Kitchener, ON
Sonotechnique, Toronto, ON
Soundcraft Canada, La Salle, PQ
Tannoy Ltd, Kitchener, ON
Yamaha Canada Music Ltd, Toronto, ON

Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. © Copyright 2005 Toronto AES.
Last update: 21/4/2005; 12:11:48.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves (blue) Manila theme.