Toronto AES
Presentations - Surround Sound Interactive Seminar

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Presentations - Surround Sound Interactive Seminar

Presenter Affiliation Presentation
Jim Anderson Jim Anderson Sound "The Flying Song" - A Practical Approach to Stereo/Surround Recording
Steve Armstrong Gennum Corporation Binaural and Spacial Processing: How We Hear Surround Audio
John Bailey Carousel Music Productions 5.1 Music on a Canadian Budget
Jeff Bamford Engineering Harmonics Soundfield Recording and 5.1 Surround
Paul Barton PSB Loudspeakers Home Listening: Undoing what the Studio Does
Jeff Berryman Jasonaudio Surround Sound and Live Concert Production
David Chan Giant Sandbox Productions Surround Sound Design for Video Games
Martha de Francisco Philips Records Surround Sound in Classical Music
Greg DeClute CBC Radio Drama Demonstration: Radio Drama in Surround Sound
John Eargle Delos Records Surround Sound Microphone Techniques
Charlie Fox University of Regina "Wild Surround" - Field Recording in Surround with 5.1
Michael Godfrey Holophone Design Considerations of a Surround Sound Microphone Application
Ken Hunold Dolby Laboratories Inc. Applications for Surround Sound Production
Roman Klun Innsbruck Records Demonstration: Gino Vanelli in Surround Sound
Cory Mandel Technicolor Creative Services Multi-channel Format Audio for Film & TV Post Production
Doug McClement Livewire Remote Juno 5.1 Broadcast
Peter Moore GPS Generating Perfect Surround
Neil Muncy Neil Muncy Associates Television Surround Sound De-mystified: Having Fun With the Toys
Mike Nunan CTV Specialty Television A Case Study in 5.1 Production for HDTV: The 2005 Juno Awards on CTV
Bob Snelgrove Gerr Audio Soundfield Recording and 5.1 Surround

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Last update: 2/5/2005; 22:39:41.
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