Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm
Where: Online meeting – SEE VIDEO LINK BELOW

Event Presentation Link

About the Event

This month’s event will feature a “headliner” presentation by our esteemed wizard of audio, John Vanderkooy:  Unwinding Coupling Capacitors: Does Low-Frequency Phase Matter?”

“Audio program material has typically gone through many high-pass coupling capacitors before it is finally committed to a storage or playback medium such as CD or streaming audio.  This, together with the typical low-frequency characteristics of microphones, playback electronics and loudspeakers, causes a cumulative phase behavior that seriously distorts the wave shape of low-frequency waveforms.  The human ear has some sensitivity to such distortion, and this presentation devotes itself to a study and mitigation of this phenomenon.” 

“Opening” for John will be AES members Denis Tremblay, Blair Francey, and Arthur Kelm talking about “How I turned my love of audio into a career.”


John Vanderkooy

John Vanderkooy

John received a B.Eng. degree in Engineering Physics in 1963 and a Ph.D. in physics in 1967, both from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. After a two-year postdoctoral appointment at the University of Cambridge in the UK, he went to the Physics Department at the University of Waterloo. Over the years he has taught mechanics, optics 2nd and 4th year, solid state physics, electronics, and the physics of hi-fi in classes and by correspondence.

John’s research interests since the late 1970’s have been mainly in audio and electroacoustics. He retired from the University of Waterloo in 2006, but has maintained a few students in the intervening years. John is a Fellow of the AES, a recipient of its Silver Medal and several Publication Awards. Over the years he has contributed a wide variety of technical papers in such areas as loudspeaker crossover design, electroacoustic measurement techniques, dithered quantizers, and acoustics. Together with his colleague Stanley Lipshitz and a number of graduate students they formed the Audio Research Group at the University of Waterloo. Important contributions were papers on dither in digital audio and MLS measurement systems.

John’s recent involvements have been to cosupervise, with Lilia Krivodonova of Applied Math, a PhD student Janelle Resch, who has defended her thesis on the nonlinear acoustics of the trumpet and trombone in Sept. 2019. He also had an MSc student, Chris Zaworski, who this January 2022 finished his thesis on The Optimization of a Modern Record Press, in conjunction with a Toronto company, Viryl Technologies.

Denis Tremblay

Denis Tremblay

Denis Tremblay is the founder of Norfolk & Jarvis Audio Technology Inc., a start-up dedicated to providing the working musician and audio professional with instruments and electronics made in North America. He is also Senior Electroacoustic Developer, HI HW Systems at Sonova Group, a global leader in innovative hearing care solutions.

Before this, Denis was a Senior Research Scientist within the IMAX research and Development team, where he is now listed as an inventor on IMAX patents.

He played a pivotal role in several key projects for the Company, including leading the technical team on the development of IMAX’s first ultra-premium in-home offering, the IMAX Private Theatre. Denis managed the electrical engineering team supporting the development of IMAX’s first-generation laser projection system and IMAX nXos 2 immersive audio system.

Prior to joining IMAX, Tremblay began his career in the music industry where he worked at Capitol Records Canada, then a division of EMI Music and Sony Music Canada. Denis is a member of the AES, and IEEE. He is a former chairman of the AES Toronto section.

Blair Francey

Blair Francey

I love people, electronics, music, volunteering, and woodworking. My past experience includes banking; customer service; distribution; education; management; manufacturing; sales; technical support; and volunteering. My life mission is to be part of the solution and generate positive experiences with everyone I meet. I’ve had the privilege to collaborate, work with, and learn from some of the best artistic, business, creative, and technical minds in their respective fields. I thrive on learning; “connecting the dots”; and making a positive contribution every minute of every day through continual self-improvement. I embrace taking on new challenges, developing new skills, expanding my core competencies/knowledge base, and sharing my experience with others.
Arthur Kelm

Arthur Kelm

Arthur Kelm is CEO of Ground One AV Inc., a consulting firm that addresses the specific power and grounding requirements of professional recording facilities and high end home installations. His list of clients reads like a who’s who of the entertainment industry. He has been Director of Engineering for Record One, The Complex, Record Plant Studios, Skywalker Sound and consultant for Walt Disney Imagineering. He brings his vast and varied experience, technical knowledge, and impeccable reputation to the marketplace. He now focuses his energies full time on problem solving and creating solutions.

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